
On the morning of my birthday I was out of the gate as soon as it opened. The first order of business was to watch the sun rise over the Letaba river. I drove a little distance on the H1-6. As mentioned earlier I had the wonderful Ground Hornbill sighting. It was very overcast, and I realised I would not see a proper sunrise. I then turned around to go back to the dirt road as I wanted to do the little loops next to the river. That is when I received the best gift very early on my birthday.Wild Dog

A fabulous wild dog sighting of about 10 minutes all to myself! I turned onto the dirt road past the turn of to the day visitor’s area outside Letaba and saw this weird looking “log” ahead of me that looked just like a wild dog. Then I realised it was a dog! There were 12 of them, and they were just lying next to the road. Due to the overcast conditions it was a little too dark for the best photos, but it was just so awesome to have the dogs almost within touching distance.Wild DogWild Dog

The one dog was a lot blacker than the others, and I affectionately called him “Darth Vader”.Wild Dog Wild Dog

It was so special to have these beautiful animals right next to the car.Wild Dog Wild DogWild Dog  Wild Dog

Wild DogTwo of the dogs shared a couple of kisses. After about 10 minutes the one suddenly jumped up, they were all off in a flash. They turned right towards the camp gate and for a few seconds I thought they were going to run into the camp. Just before the gate they swerved left into the bush. Sadly, no-one was leaving camp at that moment to enjoy this sighting. I patrolled the road for a little while, but they did not make an appearance again. I could not have asked for a better birthday present!


I saw quite a few Knob-billed ducks. The first sighting was at a very full Nsemani Dam.Knob-billed duck

The next day I found a pair in a tree on the Sweni road where they were enjoying the early morning sunlight.Knob-billed duck

At the Nwanetsi waterhole I found a few more males and females.Knob-billed duck

The only other ducks I saw were White-faced Whistling Ducks. There were a few at Nsemani dam and next to the Letaba River.White-faced Whistling DuckWhite-faced Whistling Duck

Next up: E is for ….

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