
I saw a herd with some of the largest bulls while crossing the Olifants River. There is a spot on the S100 where I always find waterbuck. I just love their heart-shaped noses.Waterbuck Waterbuck


I saw many wader species. This Common Greenshank seemed to be the resident wader at the Letaba Bridge.Common Greenshank

From the bridge I also had one sighting of a lone Kittlitz’s Plover.Kittlitz’s Plover

Three-banded Plovers are one of the regular little waders in Kruger.Three banded Plover

Sandpiper sightings included Marsh and Curlew Sandpipers. There was a Common Sandpiper at the Shipandani causeway.Common Sandpiper

A Wood Sandpiper was next to the road at one of the streams on the S41.Wood Sandpiper

Other waders include Ruff, Black-winged stilts and Little Stints.


I heard Blue Waxbills a few times but saw really few of these little birds.Blue Waxbill

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