November started on a high note when I added three more birds to my lock-down list – a Reed Cormorant flew past, and a few days later I heard a Diederik Cuckoo as well as a Red-chested Cuckoo calling. These three birds took my lock-down list to 74. The European Bee-eaters also put in an appearance, hunting insects with swifts, swallows and a host of other birds. A few days later I saw a Southern Masked Weaver chasing a pair of Diederik Cuckoos out of the area.
A few of the more irregular visitors visited my balcony and garden during November.
I heard an unusual call. I scanned the tree outside the complex and spotted the African Green Pigeon. I don’t think I’ve ever heard their call before!
I’d heard the Helmeted Guineafowls calling often, but never saw them from my garden. This one was calling at the top of his lungs from the roof of one of the neighbouring houses.
I’ve seen the African Olive Pigeons a lot during lock-down, but I didn’t always get photos of them.
I always love if when the colourful Southern Red Bishops come and visit. A female visited a few times, but it was great to see the male as well.
I hadn’t seen Tawny Flanked Prinias for a few weeks. This one announced his presence at the top of his voice,
A male House Sparrow visited a few times, and then a pretty little female showed up.
A Laughing dove took a sunbath on top of the birdbath.
A cloudy morning brought the European Bee-eaters.
And then my favourite little birds came to visit – a pair of Red-headed Finches visited my birdfeeder.