March 2022

It was a very misty morning when I arrived at the end of March. I soon spotted both eagles near the nest. A short while after I arrived they mated, and would mate another two times before I left. I tried to think if I had ever seen them “doing the deed” before, but I think this was a first for me.

As the light improved, they started flying. Their flight patterns were different than normal, and they stayed quite low at first. But it provided excellent views.Verreauxs EagleVerreauxs Eagle

In between mating sessions they also brought more nesting material to the nest.Verreauxs Eagle

It was a short visit, but it set the scene for what will hopefully be anther exciting year with our eagles.

Verreauxs Eagle Verreauxs Eagle

July 2022

I did visit briefly in June and got a glimpse of the little Eaglet when it was about 3 weeks old. By the time I visited again in mid-July, the youngster had already molted into its brown feathers.Verreauxs EagleVerreauxs Eagle

You could see that Makatsa was doint the “potty training” – this is evident from white markings on her wing!Verreauxs Eagle

August 2022

I visited again on Women’s Day, and the chick had filled out even more. He was now actively exercising his wings. Both parents looked on proudly.Verreauxs Eagle

He continued his practicing throughout the morning.Verreauxs Eagle Verreauxs Eagle

Makatsa and Mahlori brought nesting material to the nest. The chick did not seem happy that they did not bring food!

Verreauxs Eagle   Verreauxs Eagle

One of them landed in a tree not far from me.Verreauxs Eagle

Seeing these birds in flight takes my breath away every time.Verreauxs Eagle Verreauxs Eagle

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