I visited the gardens on Easter Friday. The Eagles initially spent a lot of time on the nest before they became active and gave us a stunning display. No matter how many times I see them, there is still something magical when you see a majestical Verreaux’s Eagle flying straight at you. And they have a way of looking directly at you that just gives me goosebumps every single time.
The Eagles were at their best, and did a few breath-taking back flips. It allowed for spectacular views. It is not often that you see the back of the Eagle with the beautiful cross against a clear blue sky.
Both Eagles landed in the grass on the hill across from the waterfall, and then took off, one of them with the left overs of a scrub hare. They flew to the eastern side of the ridge where they had their breakfast.
Just as I was about to leave, I heard birds alarm calling, and was just in time to see the shape of a little raptor flying around. I rushed back and was able to see the young Peregrine Falcon as it landed on the old nest for just a few seconds.
As always it is also important to take not of the smaller things in the Garden – a sweet little Tawny-flanked Prinia, Twin Dotted Border butterfly and a wasp.