When you plan something, especially as long in advance as I did for these trips, there is always a chance that things could change. Luckily nothing happened to derail my plans for tor this trip. I left on 21 January 2023 and returned 14 nights later.
The weather at one of the guesthouses I stayed in was not great, and I spent some time in my room. I had the television on and someone said –
When last did you catch your breath?
When last did you marvel at the wonders of Nature?
My reaction was –
Today. Yesterday. Everyday so far on this trip.
And I would continue to catch my breath and marvel at the wonders of nature every day for the rest of the trip.

The first stop was GOLDEN GATE HIGHLANDS NATIONAL PARK. Read HERE about this beautiful part of our country.

It is not an easy journey to get to RHODES. But once you are there, you will find this charming hamlet irresistible. Find out about my experiences in this quaint little hamlet HERE.

The town of HOGSBACK is in the middle of a a magical, fairy tale world of mountains and forests. Find out HERE why I loved this little town.

I fell irrevocably in love with ADDO when I visited for the first time a few years ago. This visit was less than 48 hours, but you will find out HERE why the Park made it the best short visit ever.

I visited the Garden Route area many times as a child. This would be the first time I stayed on some of the camps in the various sections of the GARDEN ROUTE NATIONAL PARK. Read more HERE.

One of the reasons that I wanted to stay in CAMDEBOO NATIONAL PARK is my family connections to Graaff Reinet. I have many fond memories of this historic town. Read HERE about my experiences in this lovely Park.

MOUNTAIN ZEBRA NATIONAL PARK was the obvious place to spend my birthday. And it was spectacular – Read about my experiences HERE.