3-9 April 2020
During week 2 of lock-down I saw and heard 35 Species. I managed to add another new bird to my garden list – a White-throated Swallow. During week 2 I also heard the European Bee-eaters for the last time.
Week 2 of lock-down was also feeding time for the Tarantulas, and I took the opportunity to take some photos.
Grammostola Pulchra – Brazilian Black. My pride and joy.
My Lady Rosie. My first Tarantula that I got on 1 April 2013.
I’ve had 3 Nhandu Tripepii Tarantulas, and these beautiful pink monsters are some of my favourites.
The Acanthoscurria Geniculata is one of the most striking looking tarantulas.
The Brachypelma Emilia is also quite striking.
I hardly ever get to take photos of the Poecilotheria Regalis. She is very shy and skittish and prefers to hide away. I was therefore very happy to get these two photos!
While I was busy taking photos of the 8-legged pets, I also took the opportunity to take some of my Jack Monster.
April also had a Super Moon. I was not able to see it at its fullest just before dawn, but I did get a sense of how gorgeous it would be as it was rising.
There was a little family of 4 Cape White-eyes that came to the nectar feeder every day. I only managed to get three of them in one frame.
The colourful Crested Barbet looked really pretty in the early morning light.
I also took some macro photos. The bees arrived during week 2 and created a lot of problems for the birds for the next few weeks.
Week 3 was supposed to be the last week of lock-down, but our president extended the lock-down by 2 weeks at the end of week 2. The sightings of week 3 can be found here.