During one of my stops at the Sweni hide I noticed movement in the grass. It was a decent sized monitor lizard.Monitor Lizard

As it was making its way across the little island, a large crock suddenly charged it. Luckily for the Monitor Lizard he was able to dodge the crocodile.Monitor Lizard

He changed course, but minutes later he was charged again by a different crocodile! I felt sorry for the poor thing, but after careful consideration of his route he managed to move away without stepping in the path of danger again. Well, at least not while I was there!Monitor Lizard

Monitor LizardI was walking to my tent at Letaba when I heard a rustling in the grass. Closer inspection revealed a monitor lizard that quickly tried to take refuge in a nearby tree. After a few minutes chasing him around the tree I managed a few pics.

Next up: N is for …..

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