My first stop after entering the Park was Sable Dam.

I turned onto the little dirt road that takes you to the northern end of the dam and saw elephants behind the bushes. As I turned to face the hide, there was a small herd having a drink. I was happy.Elephants

Elephants Elephants Elephants

There were a few other animals nearby. A warthog was drinking water on the far side of the dam and a small herd of impalas grazed nearby. A little Three-banded Plover was scurrying along the water’s edge.

After spending time with the elephants, I drove to the hide. As I sat down to take in the view, I heard a Fish Eagle calling somewhere to the south. A Grey-headed Bushshrike was calling hauntingly from the bushes behind the hide. It was perfect.

I spotted two Saddle-billed Storks preening on the far side of the dam.Saddle billed Stork

Impalas surrounded the hide.ImpalaImpala Impala

It was rather quiet at the dam, but I sat for a while, enjoying the view and being in the Park. On my way out I spotted this cute little skink.Skink

I made a quick stop at Sable dam on the way home. I did not go to the hide, but just stopped at the northern end of the dam again.

On the way to the dam a Giraffe was browsing and a beautiful Bateleur was soaring overhead.

Giraffe  Bateleur

A magnificent African Fish Eagle was sitting in the dead tree next to the dam.African Fish Eagle

I spotted a wader near the edge of the dam. At first I thought it was a Wood sandpiper, but when I looked closely I realised it was a Curlew Sandpiper – a new bird for my trip list.Curlew Sandpiper

As was the case on the first day, there were elephants at the dam. I did not have a lot of time left, but I just had to spend some time with them. The elephants had been amazing during this trip, and to see them at the end of my trip at the same place I saw them on day 1 was very special. ElephantsElephants Elephants   Elephants

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